town hall lobby


several political groups trade unions and community activist sure start nursery workers as well as former labour leader Tony Mulhersn spokesman for the tusc shouted outside the town hall as local councillors scurried in the backdoor to implement unpopular cuts to the social and vital services of the city. the anti cuts groups asked people to stand in the local elections against those implementing cuts to the vital services in the city.
150 odd million pound is to be shaved off an already savaged budget asset stripping to the bone essential lifesaving provisions for young old and mentally ill, severely disabled, all those suffering health problems, autistic and day-care facilities. People who desperately need day to day help.
the protest was lively and vigorous with a good turnout approx. 150 or so it heralds the revival of the campaign to stop new labours biggest cheer leader joe Andersen selling off everything in the city.
a teachers march and future regional mas demonstration is planned for the 15th march. the real battle or the fight for retaking public services under peoples control is going on. come and join us its your city!

films over xmas new year period not at fact


for xmas watched a couple of class A dumpster movies all repeats like warmed up turkeys , normally or abnormally they would be screened in the dentist if torture and botox were legal.say what!

but  on  a goodplus doublegood = 5 note, i also viddied and  watched with horror the spooky night of the demon on DvD prezzy yah! its  an old b/w 50s classic based aroud the character of Alesiter Crowley played by noted actor niall maginnis. a post war gloomy Britain is the setting, fragile war damaged minds let loose on their grip of reality. unhinged folk gone stark raving bonchers, noticeably the warden out of porridge later in last of the summer wine as cleggy great acting  cameo. with spirits and ancient legends of demons abounding fresh or not so, cynical skeptic professor from the states,  who as the look of a tired kipper, though actually played by  heartthrob dana andrews. arrives without kip after a female passenger , keeps cabin light on during trip (read any easyjet bargain flight anywhere!) he  comes to discuss the issues of things that go bump!kloosh! and hawaa! awahh ! its behind you, (no! not the behind the scenes panto memoirs of christopher biggins ) but supernatural forces of  a demonic nature, wooohoohaa! still holding onto the curtains well all goes from mad to crazy pills with the sapghetti or sparraganetti ok spaghetti western tunes of Clint Eastwood films thrown in by andrews for good measure yes in the 50s amazing. just when youre beginning to doubt your sanity or your eyes and ears and are checking the sell by date on the milk carton.the poacher  turns to gamekeeper, roles are reversed and as with invoking demonic forces and spirirts we dont fxxk about with them or they will do more than tweet back at you, the last 10 to 15 minutes made me stain my onesie. all in all a good yarn beat anything available on the other terrestrial channels. remember folks watch the skies more tv trivia next week so stay untuned unplugged but totally wired amen.i believe! satan rocks!   

walk the talks. waterloo reprise


Waterloo how would you feel if your feet were sore.
Bravely going where no one had dared to tread in, the famous 9 from the four corners of Merseyside rubbed soldiers compared pecks and swapped spit, but that’s another tale for another time. Instead well regale you with the themes that cropped up along route for those of a weak disposition unaccustomed to harsh brutality and sickening detail hard cheese read em and weep.
What started off at central station, as a chaotic amble to escape the city’s comforting blanket and familial atmosphere our wizened trundlers, ably led by the appointed leader commandant Uncle Joe, were happily on time. Plus the sun had got its hat on to greet us, armed only with sturdy footwear and butties the Nerve gang road show hit the beach at Crosby running.
The theme of the walk came to signify for most peeps different things some thought the Anthony Gormleys other place statues of men mysterious and forbidding or even enticing you into the dark abyss of the ocean at night others laughed at the women’s clothes on one and a Mountie uniform on the other light an shade dark and bright cherry bright even!
A book passage read by JD, sand heroics, on Arabic customs in the desert brought an air of otherworldliness, to the trip that is when people stopped interrupting, goats were often killed or offered to placate fellow travellers, the customary rite of the desert people ancient codes, principles of nomadic tribesmen no kidding! We gave out Cadbury’s chocolate same thing!
A visit to the health centre formerly the litherland town hall, little litherland say it with a toffee or tongue in cheek, were the Beatles once played in 1963, we in due reverence to our collective heritage took the opportunity to take a leak, in loving remembrance of the historic occasion. Love my doo, and please squeeze me ringing ghostlike in our shells.
Titanic builder or designer J Bruce Ismay had a house situated right on the beach overlooking the entrance to the Mersey. His name became Notorious for racing into the ice bergs, despite warnings and wanting glory as the white star liner president. He gained infamy for taking a half empty boat away from the ship. The view from his sumptuous house, was splendid, not an iceberg in site! All clear! Biggest danger had been getting sand in your grits or your grits in the sand either way painful.
Some pretty funky architecture, a local housing estate built by social reformers or inspired by them Ebenezer Goodridge and Octavia hill. Beautiful workers houses and proper gardens on each well-manicured lawn it looked quite eerie. We rather mundanely pondered the principle of whether they had to by dint of their religious faith, give us water if we asked, or if it was an urban myth that you could take a no1 in a policeman’s hat if you were pregnant. we opted to test neither of the conundrums. We Found sanctity in googling the info rather than hammering on doors or leaving any evidence, stain in or on waterloo, damaging its good character.
The day out was enjoyed unilaterally by all, the sea so serene and ever changing the water was out but the tidemarks were in. it had been a glorious day. so all credit to Joe for having the patience to put up with the awkward squad from the hood, as he showed us the rougher parts of his barrio were violence is only one step on the train away.10 out of 9 for coping with dangerous minds.

liverpool protest nite


several activist across the city took part in activities including lobbying the town hall, leafleting the loan shark companies, picketing or leafleting the bigger tax dodger shops in the city center. notably Primark and Marks and Spencers.

As part of the national DAY OF CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE organized by various left fronts like peoples Assembly left unity unite rank and file plus assorted anti cuts groups and bedroom tax movement activist.

leaflets were seized by people out of your hands the feeling was that the day was a success and had lots of popular support. despite naff weather and little or no mainstream publicity .

in the town centre at Williamson square a podium was used as a base to dish out leaflets and talk to people a Councillor, nick small, Labour came to hog the glory with BBC radio crew he was attacking paddy power the bookies over taxes, meanwhile they were ignoring the national protest and people in front of them so people went over to stand behind him.

also some went to radio merseyside to demonstrate too. overall the protest was greeted by people with positive results and shows that people are oppose to the crap being dished out by the Tory govt and the coalition. the next thing is a lobby and march of death to the town hall 4pm wed full council meeting be there bring some noise with you.

liverpool march saturday 12 th october


The figures from various people suggest 12-1500 people marched against racism and fascism in a largely outside feeling event with a look on the inside provided from full time gazumping gultures of the various union bureaucrats.

it seemed appropriate that we at least  had some   good banner display from  most union organs fighting this issue but the real issue of actual local involvement was skated over by the organisers of the said march.

first we turn left over the flyover not through the shopping area or for that matter no myrtle parade start point too contentious so William brown street instead.

Why was the local black community ignored and completely bypassed, why was no local action cttes formed to coordinate with local already existing organisations fighting daily these issues. Be they community church or other groups dealing with migrants and other bodies championing causes of the discriminated here in Liverpool. little or no consultation and belated distribution of leaflets as if they were for willy wonka bar gold tickets.

the whole method of conducting this from afar London, very aloof like the last cuts march in the city during the Caribbean carnival,  marching away from the 50,000  people gathered along princess boulevard and then  into the big public park off princess avenue. a real chance to meet people, a stall was evident however in the park?

Where were the local population, i.e.. the young blacks facing some routine harassment daily prejudice as so called  feral kids, neets or just rioters.

we ignore these issues at our peril.

meanwhile the EDl we were told were in Bradford? So they can play up there while we voice out opposition to the wind here.

a Greek speaker that had organised the protest of 50,000 to demand the cops arrest the golden dawn leaders and those responsible for the recent murder of antifascist, said it well we have to take matters into our own hands.

not rely on milliband or other labour leaders to change anything or for that matter trade unions seeking to coral support into labour against Nick Griffin in the euro mep stakes. Putting money around as the 2014 elections loom and hoping to get  a labour millibland candidate endorsed.

Less than a fortnight ago 60- 100.000 trade unionist marched in Manchester for the NHS past  a ring of steel guarded Tory conference, but if they wanted to they could easily have stormed the place of at least barracked them, but instead it was safely siphoned of to a park a few miles out the city out of sight out of mind.

where did all those people go? ah! but there’s causes and there’s causes!


crazy world of arthurius brownage


Mortals behold the living god of hell-fire and thunder aka Arthur Brown will be playing the Kazimer this Saturday.

for the uninitiated this hombre is the dude who singlehandedly created the psychedelic movement in Britain was the first to use  a drum machine on his album times captives and lived in  a cave in Australia, for  a few years. wowcher!

2nd in rank in the rock n roll hall of fame to Elvis for the game changing he introduced into the scene.

although largely ignored for several years by the snooty music media for being to far out (read Sid Barrett meets Sid Vicious),too far  out to hype like  the quick buck pop mainstream, embedded hackettes and paid dupes of record execs ready to  fall into line with what was popular: read Abba, jimmy (can I just photograph that corpse )Saville and flares.

despite silence he has produced quite a few  masterpieces on vinyl and the lps much  sought after plastics rarely found in the homogenised industry.

but like a warrior of old he as done the festival circuits kept  a fan base, like the belated arrival at Glastonbury of Johnny Cash doing hurt from nine inch nails thus rekindling interest for wild pioneers of the industry. to fresh faced pop generation.

 in the 80s he did  a synth based album called requiem. I purchased in the town from a legendary in his own lunch time Rick Dane pirate dj from Backtracks records.

he used to broadcast from a tower block somewhere in the Wirral, mostly metal and rock etc.  I was hooked  and ever  since then couldn’t find  a replacement hero on vinyl who I actually worshipped. his vocals a softer Richard Burton in under milk wood and  a louder Jim Morrison. hey ho!  I was vocals in a band at the time or at least trying to be. why we tried to emulate guys like this or the bass players fave Chris Farlowe out of time crooner at 18 I don’t know? not even sure if they’d dropped then or what! still not sure! just do the Bee Gees test. First a selfie wedgie followed by a  coupla vigorous  twerks now ahhh ahhhaa ahhhh.

felt goooood but not sure if I passed  a stool on the last contralto bass note. I digress, mostly am still a teenager in awe to the gods of the rock n roll and they don’t kingdom come any more R’n’R than Arthur Brown.

Saturday be there or be swallowing your chuck viddying X-factor crud as it regurgitates pop pap repeatedly ad nauseum on tv.


tory conference manchester trade union bypass march


tuc aka

ten useless characters, organised the lobby and parade past the most hated Tory government in  a 100 years did they let us near them no they acquiesced to police regulations. like picket number and protesters mustn’t exceed the 150 mark, on the allotted space  hence the whirly swirly march to the other end of Manchester in blazing sun.

Despite disorganization and hyper bloated claims of lower rank union officialdom that our time will come with the election of Milliband.

this guy is crying because the daily Mail  rag is calling him names,  he they say, will lead the fight to the death with this vicious bunch of bastards i don’t think so!

Delegates to the Tory conference must be laughing their faces off at the Gmex centre , as the angry crowd of over 60.000 went past.

consisting of trade unionists community activists peace and environmentalist animal rights and general population opposed to bedroom tax, cuts in general or just strong class hatred for the tory politicians  living it up at our expense.

they are stoking the fires of revolution by their inactivity revolutionary politics of the more extreme kind will find  a hearing for both the left and the right as the government lurches towards  a crisis in popularity.

The cuts to benefit and compulsory work, read concentration camp labour minus the camp guards will provoke massive resentment and fire the younger generation to revolt this they hope the labour  and trade union leaders will help them to corall and stem this opposition into harmless channels and good causes like charity work etc to receive your benefit.

national march against fascist boneheads in Liverpool 12 the October  is going from William Brown street heading south to the pier head or away from the black population in Toxteth. who this is for who its designed to impress and why the hell, its being held  here i don’t know!  as the EDL are targeting Birmingham it seems on the same day.

But they love to wear their heart on their collective sleeves proper officials, like they care seriously about this stuff top down organisation with a ingrained distrust of the local population cripples them from entrusting anyone different from getting involved and likewise repels serious local activist from taking them as genuine.


you must not read this if under 18


got your attention !

two very critical events are happening this week one is the tory party conference is being held in Manchester 29th Sept and the other is that the lobby of the said conference. which  is being organised to coincide with it for defence of the NHS any socialist worth their pepper should try and get on the coaches.

2 are free and go from Conway station? and tither departs from   lime street unite offices aka  jack jones house . the big yellow block facing the walker art gallery!
