liverpool protest nite


several activist across the city took part in activities including lobbying the town hall, leafleting the loan shark companies, picketing or leafleting the bigger tax dodger shops in the city center. notably Primark and Marks and Spencers.

As part of the national DAY OF CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE organized by various left fronts like peoples Assembly left unity unite rank and file plus assorted anti cuts groups and bedroom tax movement activist.

leaflets were seized by people out of your hands the feeling was that the day was a success and had lots of popular support. despite naff weather and little or no mainstream publicity .

in the town centre at Williamson square a podium was used as a base to dish out leaflets and talk to people a Councillor, nick small, Labour came to hog the glory with BBC radio crew he was attacking paddy power the bookies over taxes, meanwhile they were ignoring the national protest and people in front of them so people went over to stand behind him.

also some went to radio merseyside to demonstrate too. overall the protest was greeted by people with positive results and shows that people are oppose to the crap being dished out by the Tory govt and the coalition. the next thing is a lobby and march of death to the town hall 4pm wed full council meeting be there bring some noise with you.

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