tory conference manchester trade union bypass march


tuc aka

ten useless characters, organised the lobby and parade past the most hated Tory government in  a 100 years did they let us near them no they acquiesced to police regulations. like picket number and protesters mustn’t exceed the 150 mark, on the allotted space  hence the whirly swirly march to the other end of Manchester in blazing sun.

Despite disorganization and hyper bloated claims of lower rank union officialdom that our time will come with the election of Milliband.

this guy is crying because the daily Mail  rag is calling him names,  he they say, will lead the fight to the death with this vicious bunch of bastards i don’t think so!

Delegates to the Tory conference must be laughing their faces off at the Gmex centre , as the angry crowd of over 60.000 went past.

consisting of trade unionists community activists peace and environmentalist animal rights and general population opposed to bedroom tax, cuts in general or just strong class hatred for the tory politicians  living it up at our expense.

they are stoking the fires of revolution by their inactivity revolutionary politics of the more extreme kind will find  a hearing for both the left and the right as the government lurches towards  a crisis in popularity.

The cuts to benefit and compulsory work, read concentration camp labour minus the camp guards will provoke massive resentment and fire the younger generation to revolt this they hope the labour  and trade union leaders will help them to corall and stem this opposition into harmless channels and good causes like charity work etc to receive your benefit.

national march against fascist boneheads in Liverpool 12 the October  is going from William Brown street heading south to the pier head or away from the black population in Toxteth. who this is for who its designed to impress and why the hell, its being held  here i don’t know!  as the EDL are targeting Birmingham it seems on the same day.

But they love to wear their heart on their collective sleeves proper officials, like they care seriously about this stuff top down organisation with a ingrained distrust of the local population cripples them from entrusting anyone different from getting involved and likewise repels serious local activist from taking them as genuine.


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